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Qualified for a Miracle: Secrets to Receiving from God


Product details


  • ISBN-10 : 1577942132
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1577942139
  • Paperback : 13 pages
  • Product Dimensions : 13.97 x 1.27 x 21.59 cm
  • Publisher : Harrison House (1 May 2002)
  • Language: : English
  • Condition: Used – Good

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Qualified for a Miracle: Secrets to Receiving from God

Jim Hockaday wrote Qualified for a Miracle, a book on faith, healing, and miracles. It will amaze readers with its revealing insight into the Scriptures.

Jim Hockaday presents each concept with clarity and understanding, making each tool easily applicable to every reader. Sharing firsthand accounts from individuals whose lives have changed by amazing miracles, the power and intensity of this text grabs readers from the start and carries them through to the end. This innovative and life-changing message is perfect as a training guide for every Christian. Source: Publisher


What is a miracle per Qualified for a Miracle?

Miracles generally refer to events that are impossible to confirm by nature or that are not physically possible.

Wayne Grudem defines a miracle as “a unique manifestation of God’s presence and an act of making known himself.”

Miracles are defined as direct interventions of God into the world in the Deistic view of God.

Therefore, in various religions, the happening of a miraculous event is often attributed to the actions of a supernatural being, most commonly a deity, magic, a miracle worker, a saint, or a religious leader.

Furthermore, some observers believe that miracles are beneficial outcomes that are statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature. Consequently, this could be surviving natural disasters or simply attaining joy, regardless of probability.

Since a miracle is, by definition, not of nature, many writers dismiss them as physically impossible or impossible to confirm due to their nature.

In both cases, Thomas Jefferson and David Hume expressed their positions. Theologians usually believe that, in His divine providence, God regularly acts through nature. Furthermore, in his capacity as a creator, He is free to perform without, above, or against it. He is God and does whatever he wants.

Interested in miracles? Check Miracles Do Happen

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