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Your Quest for Spiritual Knowledge 2012 and Beyond


Product details


  • ISBN-10 : 1846944171
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1846944178
  • Product Dimensions : 14.38 x 0.97 x 21.82 cm
  • Paperback : 157 pages
  • Publisher : O Books (30 Dec. 2010)
  • Language: : English
  • Book Condition: Used – Very Good

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Your Quest for Spiritual Knowledge 2012 and Beyond

Your Quest for Spiritual Knowledge 2012 and Beyond is about how to find your spiritual path? This book will lead you to it and carry you along the way.

Michelle Corrigan explains the universal energy shifts that are happening now up to 2012 and beyond. She gives guidance on developing spiritual awareness self-healing and connecting with the true Self.

Discover the forms of physical movement and breathing techniques that shift energy and the importance of meditation to calm the mind. Along with understanding what it means to practice a balanced life between both worlds.

In this way, you will prepare yourself for these great universal energy shifts. Furthermore, you will know what you can do personally for the Planet and the Universe. Source Publisher


What is spirituality in Your Quest for Spiritual Knowledge 2012 and Beyond?

In fact, spirituality is such a vast term that it is impossible to agree on a single, universal definition.

Furthermore, several definitions have been found in the literature for the term. Scholarly studies show that there is little overlap.

Consequently, McCarroll’s review of each book on the topic of spirituality included twenty-seven explicit definitions, among which “there was little agreement.”

In such circumstances, systematic studies of spirituality are not possible, and findings cannot be communicated effectively.

Furthermore, spiritual aspects such as self-transcendence, asceticism, and the recognition of one’s connection to all are not unique to spirituality; they were recognised by the atheist Arthur Schopenhauer as crucial to ethical life.

Moreover, Kees Waaijman emphasises that the traditional meaning of spirituality refers to the reformation of the original form of being, the image of God: in Judaism, the Torah, in Christianity, Christ, in Buddhism, Buddha, and in Islam, Muhammad.

According to Houtman and Aupers, modern spirituality is an amalgamation of humanistic psychology, mystical and esoteric traditions, and Eastern religions.

Nevertheless, the emphasis in modern times is on subjective experiences and the spiritual values and meanings under which individuals live, often separate from organised religious institutions.

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