Message of Walsingham book is about the Ancient Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. England’s national shrine. It sits in a tiny village on the north coast of East Anglia.
Since 1061 pilgrims have made their way there. Paupers and kings have walked, ‘slipperless’, the last holy mile. Here Mary is contemplated as Mary of Nazareth, the warm hearted Mother of a family that has her Son as the centre.
Message of Walsingham tells how pilgrims leave the world to tread the path to this Shrine, praying for themselves and for others, accompanied by the Word of God. They come in response to a deep felt call to conversion, to look again at Christ, to turn back to him. This booklet is a pilgrim’s companion.
If you believe in miracles, please read Qualified for a Miracle: Secrets to Receiving from God.