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Shipping Options
Standard UK delivery.
Next day delivery.
We will only ship to the address on the invoice. Unfortunately, we cannot ship to any other address.

Handling Time
We will ship your goods within 48 hours of receiving cleared payment Monday to Friday. Purchases made on Friday through to Sunday will be sent on Monday.

Cost of Shipping
Free standard delivery.
Next day delivery  £4.89

Duration of Shipping
Standard delivery is 3-5 days
Next day is 48 hours

We ship to the UK and Northern Ireland only.
Our courier company doesn’t cover the Channel Islands, PO Boxes or BFPO locations.

Our Courier Company Delivery Instructions
Hermes will make three attempts to deliver your parcel. If the delivery attempt was unsuccessful they’ll leave a calling card. Look out for this as it’ll tell you when they’ll be making their next attempt.
Hermes couriers work from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and from 8am to 6pm on Saturdays. 

Lost in Transit
If you have not received your goods you must let us know within 3 working days after the estimated delivery date has elapsed. We will investigate the matter with our courier company. Investigations into lost parcels can take up to 14 days. Refunds or replacements will not be issued until the investigation is complete.
If you don’t let us know and 28 days have elapsed, unfortunately, we won’t be able to help you anymore. Our courier company cannot investigate undelivered goods after 28 days.